Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a uniform or book bags?

We sell book bags, which are an ideal way for us to send home your children’s artwork, and can be ordered from Christie. We also have various sizes of our pre-school uniform in stock:

• Navy blue jumper with our logo is £8

• Navy blue T-shirt with our logo is £6

Speak to Christie if you are interested in purchasing any.

How do you manage free play outside in the winter?

Unless the weather is foul, we will always encourage the free flow between our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our perimeter wall and trees act as a wind break at the rear of the garden, whilst a shelter off the back of the building also helps protect us from the elements. Our back door leads out to this space and we provide wet weather rain coats, trousers and wellies to help the children stay dry and clean.

Can we pay for lunch to be provided?

Whilst we have a kitchen at pre-school, we do not have a full catering provision, so children are required to bring a packed lunch with them. If you would like your children to have something warm, we can reheat it for them if necessary. Lunch time is fully supervised, we encourage good habits and manners and as we don’t provide an afternoon snack, please ensure you send a lunch to match their normal appetites.

Do we need to send in snacks?

No. We provide a selection of healthy snacks in the morning, including fruit and another option, for example breadsticks, rice cakes, tea cakes, crumpets or crackers (with optional cheese/cheese spread). We cater for all known allergies and there is no snack after lunch.

My child has allergies and/or needs to be given medication. How will you manage this?

Allergies are recorded on your child’s registration documents and we have a list in the kitchen, along with an accompanying photograph of the child, so we prepare food according to children’s requirements. We can administer medication with your permission and we are all epi pen trained. All medication is stored in the kitchen in a sealed container and we ask that parents provide medicine in its original packaging.

What happens if they have an accident?

We record accidents in our Accident book which parents sign on collection. All staffed are Paediatric First Aid trained.

Can the children sleep during the day?

We have a dedicated quiet reading space that doubles up as our sleepy corner. We can close the blind and draw a wraparound ceiling curtain to help create a darker environment to sleep in.

My child was sick in the night but is fine this morning. Can they still come in?

Unfortunately not. You must wait 48 hours after the last episode of being ill before returning to pre-school. Further advice can be found on the NHS website.

How do we report absenteeism or request additional hours?

Please contact Christie and Lisa via phone or email as soon as you know your child won’t be coming in, or if you would like to explore an additional session(s). We can only have 16 children in pre-school at any given time, so we recommend you plan well in advance when it comes to increasing your hours. Ad hoc requests can only be accommodated if we have a space as we are controlled by our adult/child ratios.

What clothes should my children wear?

As we provide lots of opportunities for water and messy play, please send your children to us in weather and play-appropriate clothes and footwear. Please make sure they’re sent with a full set of spare clothes, even if they’re reliably toilet trained. Every child has their own hook for their coat and bag. We have a uniform available to purchase but this is not compulsory.

My child is potty training; can you support with this?

Yes. Your child’s key worker will discuss your home routine with you, so that we can offer as much continuity and support as possible whilst your child is with us.

Do we need to send in nappies and wipes?

Parents are to provide their own nappies and wipes, along with any barrier creams if being used. We also have the facility to store nappies in bulk if you’d prefer not to send them in daily.

Are all your staff security checked?

Yes, all staff are DBS checked and registered with Ofsted, as are our committee members.

Do you take the children out on visits?

We are lucky to be based in a lovely village and from time to time, we take the children out to explore, for example on an autumn walk, and we also visit the park from time-to-time.

Can we arrange a visit?

Absolutely. We would be happy to show you around pre-school to suit you, and you’re welcome to bring your child with you if you wish.

Do you accept childcare vouchers?

Yes, we accept most of the widely recognised voucher schemes. Please discuss this with Christie if you would like to join us.

Do you provide wraparound and holiday childcare?

No, we are only open in term-time, from 9am - 3pm daily.

More information on the above and all of our policies can be found